Maple-mustard pulled pork

Caregory : Leftover Recipes

Coat your pork shoulder with a sweet mustard glaze then slow-roast for soft, tender meat that just falls apart




    • STEP 1

      Mix the sea salt and 200g of the sugar in a large food bag, add the pork and coat it well. (If you don’t have a bag, rub over the pork in a dish and cover with cling film.) Leave in the fridge overnight.

    • STEP 2

      The next day, remove the pork and wipe down the meat with kitchen paper. Heat oven to 140C/120C fan/gas 1. Mix the remaining sugar, the maple syrup, mustards and some ground pepper. Rub half the mixture over the pork and sit it on a rack in a roasting tin. Roast for 6 hrs.

    • STEP 3

      Spoon the remaining maple mixture over the pork and roast for 1 hr more.

    • STEP 4

      Rest the meat for 30 mins on a plate loosely covered with foil. To serve, tear the pork into big fat chunks and, after skimming the surface, spoon over any juices from the tin.


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